August 19, 2012

Lazy Sunday

Have you seen these adorable prints by Inslee Haynes? I stumbled across them on Pinterest and now I can't get enough!

Things Boys Don't Understand, Pt. 2 courtesy of Jenna Marbles.

Adulting 101. Seriously, you need to read this blog. It offers advice on just about everything--from how to change a tire to whether or not you should wear that outfit to work.

Building a bar is definitely something I need help with.

If you're a twenty-something, stop what you're doing. Go get this book. And thank me later when you're a successful thirty-something.

If you didn't already feel awful about those unpaid bills, Rich Kids of Instagram are here to rub their lavish lifestyles in your face!

I am obsessssssssed--with these and this and this.

Animals hanging out with miniature versions of themselves. Aaaaaand you're welcome.

1 comment:

  1. I adore her work!! She does blog header designs too!
    p.s. I heart cats too.
